Monday, August 3, 2009

Mystery down to the Sea . . . .

There are mysteries. . and peeps will say "t'wan't meant to be . . " pssshaaaawwww . . .

"Thems what knows" will say I am stubborn, determined, persevering. . . ehyah . . but there comes a time when I know I have spent way to much time. . . like in trying to post the pic of this very special "interesting-face-mystery-man". . .as he walks away from you from Race Point . . But .on my page he looks out at me so clearly . . . . some 'mysteries' in computer remain that. . . ."unsolved cold cases".. . . . for the now . .


Gary Kelly said...

Maybe it's just me but when it comes to unsolved cases, I think you're the personification of one. :-P

JustinO'Shea said...

Really? Not surprised Are you? I am an art-piece in process. hehehee