Posted: 19 Aug 2010 09:52 PM PDT
day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the
past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it
has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it
will be worth remembering" - Ida Scott Taylor
Thanks, Miachael, at
It is worth considering, actually. We have in our power to do something memorable each day to make it a bit more special than it might otherwise have been. Yesterday, I walked around the local park and admired the large bed of flowering petunias, which was a stunning display of multi-colored little faces happy to be alive. That brightened my day!
In the chill beginning of Winter it would be wonderful to "bathe" in the colorful beauty of such lovely faces of so many gorgeous petunia.
In the drab of Winter I need a lot of color and spice. . .;-)
In my prosecuting days most of the people we sent to jail were folks who lived just one day at a time. If they had enought change in their pockets to buy a bottle or a stake in a card game, they were happy, and if interdicted by the police for one offense or another, they were quite willing to receive their three hots and a cot. Planning was not part of their agendas. Of course, these are the people the planners of the world are called on to support when age or infirmity comes around.
Well, well, that sure as hell blasts "living in the present moment" right out of the water !!! LOL
Cynic. . . .;-))
I understand what J means about people who can't see beyond the moment, but I still think there needn't be a conflict between living in the present and planning for the future. Both should and can be compatible.
What Ida is saying is that tomorrow's memories are today's deeds. Yeah?
Mr Kelly. . . .I concur . . because I feel comfortable with your way of wording this reality. . . it works for me. . . so it appears. ;-)
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