Friday, June 3, 2011

News Updates re Marriage Equality

Poll: Support for Same-Sex Marriage in NY at Highest-Ever 58 Percent - Towleroad | #gay #news

Pam's House Blend:: New Poll: NY Supports Marriage Equality -- Big Time. 14 Other States Say 'I Do' Too.



Gary Kelly said...

When I watched the vid with George and Farid, I realized that same sex marriage is not about sex. It's about two people who love each other; it's about two people who want to share a life together and raise a family; it's about two people who want to build a future for their kids. It's about two people.

Unknown said...

Marriage has never been about sex

JustinO'Shea said...

LOL . .maybe not. . .but it sure legitimized the use & practice of sexual activity!