Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Reporting In. . .from The Cape

Good morning, All Y'All. . . .I guess, tho, it is really "the middle of the night by the 'body clock' but already I hear the birds beginning there morning songs. . . well, a few of them anyway.  It is hard to believe but there are only ten days left to the month of June! I write this and then wonder if I am beginning to sound like one of the old-times down the road a-piece my folks quote now and then, with kidding and laughter.  I guess he used to say "Well. . .it's the 4th of July:  Summer is over! "  I know it's not "over" but I feel like the days of summer are slipping by way too quickly. . . .and it makes me want to "hang onto them".
What am I doing up so early?  I guess it is just one of those night when I seem to have had enough sleep and feel like "doing things."
So one of the thing is I want to respond here to several emails I have received in the last couple of weeks. . ..emails from a few of the Dunes Boys wondering if things are OK. . .telling me they think the tone of JustinDunes seems to be changing. . . .wondering if thing are OK with Peter and me. . . .are we still together?  Are we "still a couple?" "You haven't written about Peter in a long while, it seems. . .about things you guys do. . ." and so forth.

I am happy to tell you Peter and I are still tight, still together, and judging by last night's good night kiss I'd say we are very much in love!  LOL

Living together at Mme Bouvier's. . . .remember my wonderful Gramma?. . .this school year, being together every day, sharing a home with Peter has been a new and different and great experience for both of us. . . We've learned a lot about one another. . . LOL. . .
like the old New England Yankee saying "If you want to really know someone ya haveta summer and winter with them. . ."

How true that is ! hahhaaa. . .definitely true.  We've grown a lot because we have changed a lot: we know each other so much better because we've shared so much of the stuff of every day. . .the ins and outs of adjusting and changing, lots of dialog about "matters of consequence":  we LIVE together.  And we also have learned a lot about each other AND about ourselves.  We are "growing up". . we aren't kids any more.  We are young men with a growing life together, careers in formation, learning more and more about our psychological-sociological make-ups, needs and desires, hopes and dreams.  And we are both a part of one another's life. . lives together.  That is different from last year, even.

Peter is studying, working in a med-surgical profession, learning so much about so many things, growing in academics and also the practicalities of working in healthcare, often in serious, often critical situations in life/death actualities.  His world has changed so much from the more seemingly-carefree and yet demanding resposibilities of the family business.


We've noticed that our days involve so far a lot more kicking back and being easy about life. . . we're both living in our family homes, so there is more time and space apart, time to think our own thoughts and feel our own feelings.. . .and our times together are often more relaxed, less with the feelings we have "so much to get in. . things to do", etc.

My year has been very full. . . . sometimes too full; I am wondering about this.  The doctoral program is going well, and has been my priority this school year. . . my two classes of Intro Psych have been okay.  .    . and these are now tentative for Fall semester.  I still have a little time yet before I have to sign the contract: I have an extension.  If I decide not to teach this year there is another grad student willing and ready to step in and take over.  Lucky about that.  The clinic internship has been an invaluable experience and I will definitely continue there.  It so complements the academic side of the doctoral program. . .the practical experience at the clinic has been awesome!

More later. . . .time to hit the sack for some more sleep.  I think  the birds are doing the same thing. . .lol. . .their morning twittering has quieted down. . . ..zzzzzzzzz-time.  Ciao ciao. . . . Justin.


cigardude13 said...
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JustinO'Shea said...

RICHARD wrote. . . .
Only 5:10 am? You're a slug-a-bed; I'm usually up at 4:30. :)

Good to have you share with us again, Justin. Thanks for bringing us up to date.

I stole a glance at a bit ago and saw that the temps reared up to 90 today. Just in time for the summer solstice and July 4. Have a great rest of the summer.

June 20, 2012 5:16 PM

Gary Kelly said...

It's noice to know that you and Pete are enjoying domestic bliss as young adults and still madly in love... and I don't necessarily mean with Mme Bouvier's cooking. Although I suspect that helps.

You have each other, good health, fabulous career prospects, the support of loving families, and a great part of the world in which to live.

Sounds pretty cool to me.

JustinO'Shea said...

Thanks, Gary. I appreciate your comments!
"Who could ask for anything more?!" :-))

JustinO y Pedro