Sunday, February 16, 2014
- said...
I don't think anyone on earth can
figure out God's reasoning. HUH.
Reading todays Gospel, Jesus gives
no leeway to tread, yet he punishes, and says He has great mercy for us ALL. WHAT!!!!!!!! He is so good, yet in our eyes, has He really lived to walk in our shoes as we walk through out life in our shoes..........Why did he put us upon this earth not to enjoy the fruits of His makings????????
I have had many questions... but really, not a bunch of answers.
You have to walk through life on a road of splinters of glass. Why did he sell us out to the devil. He really did, I guess cause he gave Lucifer the Shaft.
We are paying for the bad angels, maybe they were doing the bad things that are going on today, and God couldn't have His Universe
spinning out of control. Guess I
better stop now, before I spin
out of anything to say about our
Supreme Maker. Are the Theologians still trying and can't
find any answers Huh!!!!......
Guess I am a Heretic. Can anyone
be happy---I try. -
February 16, 2014 at 9:34 PM
- JustinO'Shea said...
I am happy. . . ;-)
February 16, 2014 at 11:26 PM
J said...
Religions that saddle themselves with foolish and outmoded doctrine will continue to fail in modern societies. They need a new business plan, and a new product line. The Christian churches would do better to make the Jefferson bible their core doctrine, and drop the miracles, virgin birth, a retributive god, and all but the most inchoate notions of "everlasting life". (Of course, there's always the possibility that a radical reform will only hasten the demise of organized religion.)
February 17, 2014 at 6:04 PM
- JustinO'Shea said...
There is a principle "What is freely asserted can be freely denied." Sic . . .
February 17, 2014 at 7:12 PM