The link to this was sent to me this morning. . . so I pass it on. . .
the WAFFLE page |
April 27, 2015. TX Greg here. I received the news this morning from Anna that Gary did pass away weekend before last and we're still trying to gather more info. I've just been sitting here in front of the comp crying all day lost for words. Anna helped with a few...
"And write a nice message to him from everyone about all the years we've got to spend with him and he has become a part of our families. Then end with its not over yet Gary now you can see all of Australia with the best view in the house! Can't wait to catch up with you one day. We will all see him again one day. He is finally at peace and gets to spy on everyone!"

Another amputation. We all die the death of a thousand psychic cuts.
Well, GARY, I guess it is true: you've been called home "to a better place."
When you get introduced and settled in. I extend you a warm invitation to visit the O'Sheas at their home on The DUNES outside Chatham, on Cape Cod. You might run into a little guy riding his 'trike' on the veranda of our big white house. . ..since you've passed beyond the confines of time and mileage. . .it is all that Endless NOW where we never run out of time to live and love and enjoy all those special wonderful people who have shaped and enhanced our time on Earth.
Thank you for all the pithy wisdom you've passed on and shared with us, especially posted here on The Dunes.
I've been re-reading your posts and enjoying your wit and wisdom this afternoon.
Love, and hugs, and a kiss on each cheek. Keep an eye on us, Gary.
~~ JustinO
I already miss Gary, and those daily waffles.
It was 12 years ago, the 1st friend I ever made on the net. And I was in a really dark place back then.
Gary actually taught me how to write, like an author. Well, at least to the best of my abilities.
And so I wrote my own bio. I didn't think I achieved anything in life until I re-read what i wrote. I came to realize that I was a 'survivor.' That I had battled all my life and didn't quit, but lived to persevere.
That is Gary's gift to me.
And it defines Gary.
Luvya Gary. Enjoy your time with your Cody, surfing the clouds.
Justin, You gave Gary a very Humble and Beautiful Tribute.
Without your blog Justin, we probably would have never met.
We Thank You. Just when you thought that you may want to give up the Ship, it comes back to resurface again, and again. The
hymn that I think of when I think of Gary--is "Amazing Grace" Amen.
Tears do help. (but not much)
So sorry to hear of Gary's passing. RIP.
Justin, it's really sad not hearing from you after all this time. I hope you are well.
Always your friend,
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