Monday, January 9, 2012

N E W S. . . .GOOD NEWS ! ~~~~

Cancer operation

Sunday, January 8, 2012 11:50 PM
G'day JustinO,
Just a note to say I survived 10 hours in surgery. I had no idea it was such a serious operation. Now I'm black and blue and carrying a bunch of spaghetti around, attached to a mobile hatstand. I'm being drip fed through the nose - no solids, no liquids through the mouth. It'll probably be a week before I can eat normally again. And my tongue is swollen... I even need a speech therapist. But to quote J, I dodged the bullet. In fact the medical staff say I'm recovering extremely well.
A friend visited today and delivered my new wireless modem, so at least I'm back on line. Hope to be back home by the end of the week. Thanks for your thoughts and those of the Dunes Boys.
WoW, GARY. . .that WAS quite the procedure, for sure!  Glad to hear the report. . .sounds very encouraging.  Keep it up. . ..i.e., doing what  the medicine man/persons tells you. .;-)
and we shall "do our thing" too.

Cheers, Mate.
The Dunes Boyz


Jim said...

Way to go Gary! Good to hear the tough part is done. Now do what you are told and you'll be back home in no time! said...

Wow Gary, glad to see your mend is
doing the best that us older folks hate to go through. God Bless and
a speedy back to being Gary. Sure
is hell being drip fed.

Gary Kelly said...

Thanks Jim and Rad. As of today I'm off the drip feed and onto liquids through the mouth - just had my first cuppa in a week! Pretty soon I'll be onto soft foods and then home, hopefully in 3 or 4 days.