Tuesday, December 8, 2009

TODAY. . .a thought to begin with. . . .so begin. . .

If I can agree to this I've got it dicked. . . . .

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.” - J. Pierpont Morgan


Gary Kelly said...

It ain't as dumb as it sounds. Humans are creatures of habit, and ruts can be very comfortable places in which to be stuck. They can become a source of security.

So taking that first step towards "getting somewhere" can be quite daunting.

So I guess it's important to remember that the devil you know ain't always better than the devil you don't.


JustinO'Shea said...

I don't play much with devils but I really don't think either category makes a good playmate: by their nature you cannot trust them and I am not comfortable around guys I cannot trust.

I like that point about comfortable ruts, Gary. Don't have many just yet. . LOL. . .but one or two you made me think of. . . comfortable for a while. . .maybe. . but I begin to feel stifled . . .no room to breathe in the same ole same ole. . .

Likely fear is what keeps us from climbing out of the rut. . "fear of. . what if. . ?" Like my shyness. . .hehehee. . .what if I made the effort to be more open, more free, more outgoing, more positive and moved out into the un-rutted space and guys looked at me like something that just crawled out of the swamp. . . and turned their backs on me. . as if I were not even there. . . ?

Better, safer to stay in the rut???
Mr Kelly. . . .?


Gary Kelly said...

Apparently you didn't understand the point I was making, Mr O'Shea. It was quite the opposite of what you seem to have interpreted.

JustinO'Shea said...

Sorry, I do not think I didn't get the point. I agree with what you said, and added a comment or two of my own.

I guess it is all how we read it. . from our own pre-conceived perceptual field. . .ho ho ho

I shall keep on trying to bridge the generation gap. ;-) [sigh]

Gary Kelly said...

If you succeed in bridging the generation gap, Justino, you'll ruin everything.